Day7 London to Bath


Today we had a bit of a challenge to say the least.  Leaving London, on our way to Bath, was pretty easy. We jumped on the Tube and headed out to Heathrow airport, and a quick bus ride to the Hertz rental car lot.  After over an hour of waiting in line at Hertz, which turned out to be foreshadowing of events to come, we got out mini-van and started to our trip to Bath.

We finally got our car, after checking it out, loading the luggage, we settled in to getting used to a car with the driver on the right instead of the left side of the car.  We’re off!!!  Oh RATS, we have to drive in the left side of the road and not the right side.  This takes a whole new set of skills for both Carol and I.  Well finally arrived safely in Bath (about a two hour drive) with no damage to the car or ourselves, just to our nerves!!!!  We were a stressed out mess.  It didn’t take us long to decide to ditch the car and completely overhaul our plans and use only trains and buses for the rest of our trip

This day finished with a good dinner in Bath.  I will have to say the B&B (The Chestnuts House) was a GREAT retreat and the owner, Toni was incredibly helpful and very supportive in helping change our plans. His breakfasts, which were included and were absolutely the best breakfast that we had on our entire trip. If you are ever in Bath, I strongly recommend staying with Toni at the Chestnut House!!!


Front Door


Breakfast Room



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